
Alerts you of increased AWS cost
CostRadar is a cloud-based service that assists organizations in identifying and investigating any abnormal fluctuations in their cloud costs. By utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms, it carefully analyzes historical cost data to detect patterns and anomalies. Whenever CostRadar identifies an unusual change in costs, it promptly notifies your designated stakeholders through their preferred alarm method, such as SMS or email. Alternatively, CostRadar can also notify the Cloud Family response team, who will immediately step in to assist you in optimizing your costs.
CostRadar is included for free together with CloudSaver.
Decrease AWS cost
Be alerted of any unusual cost spikes!
Billing Layer Only
CostRadar has no impact on your technology or security. It's a pure financial service.
Free of charge
CostRadar is included for free when you sign up for CloudSaver.